Project Description
Project description:
The construction of the 450-meter Berkó Dezső Bridge-crossing the Hármas-Körös River at Kunszentmárton was carried out in several stages. We started to work in February 2017 locating the test piles to the work area. Subsequently, in the second half of the year, our team constructed the intermediate piles. The piling works of the bridgeheads began in March 2018 and being repeatedly hampered by the river exiting its bed.. Our specialists were well-prepared to defend against record waves, and due to their fast response we could manage to return the Körös to the riverbed without any damage and kept piling at the planned schedule.
Hódút Kft. és Duna Aszfalt Kft.
A-Híd Zrt.
Date of assignment:
Applied technology:
Bored pile supported by slurry
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